
Willie Alexander on The Art of the 80’s Band and Event Poster

March 23, 2017 - Flashpoint Events
Willie Alexander on The Art of the 80’s Band and Event Poster

Willie Alexander


I was born in 1943 in Philadelphia , Pa. and was inspired by the music I heard growing up, R&R, R&B, Jazz, Latin, Classical, EVERYTHING!  My first gigs were as a drummer and I started playing R&R in 1964 with THE LOST.  During my musical journey I’ve been on a lot of record labels  including Capitol , ABC , MCA, New Rose , Accurate, Arf Arf , & Fisheye Records and a few more I put out 45’s on. Still recording and  play out when I want . Music has shown me the World and I am grateful for the gift!.


Where did you develop your design talents?

What was the creative process in producing your posters?

You didn’t hang up your posters around town, so who did the dirty work for you?

When the Xerox machine came on the scene it was a game changer. Did that make life easier for you and your right hand man Lorenzo?

Everyone draws inspiration from others. What artists inspired you?

What was more important to you the art of your poster or the information on it?

There is a reoccurring image of a girl holding a hand to her face in several of your posters. Who is that and did she have something to do with the production of the posters?

If you look in the Boston Flashpoint Gallery there are lots of different styles of work. What posters jump out at you and why?

When you or Lorenzo were hanging up your gig posters around Boston, did you ever cover up and other bands posters?

You made many of the early band posters in Boston and you collected them too, how many do you own?

What is the one poster of yours that you like the best and why?


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