
Michael Whittaker – Producer/Consultant

March 4, 2016 - Site Contributors
Michael Whittaker – Producer/Consultant

Every successful operation needs a good right hand man. In the case of the Underground’s Manager Jim Coffman he had that and more; his own Tasmanian Devil in Michael Whittaker.

Michael did sound for the club, helped with bookings, unloads_setups_reloads_unloads, bounced, rocked_rolled, and caused perpetual mayhem like any good hurley-burley right hand man would do.

When the Underground closed, and Michael decided he wasn’t going to stick around to do his dirty laundry, he did tours of duty with Fad Gadget, Raincoats… that’s Michael’s sound on “The Kitchen Tapes”…Raybeats, and the Bush Tetras…sound beat was also on the agenda for Michael who worked NYC’s Dancetaria for a stint before moving on to LA where he managed Legal Weapon, and eventually landed at SST Records for a five year run. It was then on to A&M as a staff producer. After clearing his system of staff, he returned to the East coast and became a beloved teen librarian:

Michael now chills while working at home as a consultant and is happy to announce that he is with the same gal pal from Boston, his beautiful wife Michelle, who we are happy to bestow the Mother Theresa award for dealing with the beloved genetic misfit that is Mr. Michael Whittaker.

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